Friday, September 29, 2006

some days don't you just wonder what are we living for? yeah. that question just dawned upon me once more. i guess it just the pressure of me not feeling stressed over the upcoming promotional examinations while everyone is placing much emphasis on it. it just freaks me out how competition to be the number one in the cohort or rather classes has succumbed over our beloved friendship. i can never see myself giving up on talking and hanging out with my friends just because i want to hang out with books. like come one, you can't bring your textbook for a walk in the park..neither can you put it on a leash and coerce it to listen to your unending hymn of sorrowful whinings.can you? i wonder where the generation of muggers will go to after school..bury themselves in a pile of books and wait for time to wash over them and wrinkle their hugely inproportionate head? alright alright. i shan't whine no more. instead lets talk of what makes us happy. what makes life worthwhile for now. for a short while let's try to cherish what we have now for what might happen the next second is unpredictable. we won't know what will be of us in the next second? will we die of high cholesterol? or maybe heart disease? or over-expansion of our brains that has caused lack of space in the skull for ir to expand further thus it just burst and you're dying of excessive bleeding in the head? probably. t'was the consequences of being too brainy i guess.
today was the examination of languages. cultural clash i'd say. i sometimes wonder if the teacher's are just pure ignorant or are they doing this on purpose. you never know if they had breached the thin line of prejudice. champions they think they are. 21 champions way. how absolutely brilliant i should say. which other schools would build the front gate at where they want for the sake of the school address at the expense of the pitiful students' energy usage. everytime when we lack an extra ounce of luck, the side gate and the back gate will be shut out before we can have enough time to jostle past them, we'll have to trek up the muddy path that is situated at the side of the school. trudge up that inclined slope. traipse the long meandering pathway before we finally reach the front gate. ah yes. this is the how they develop champions. the SSS have a daily training regiment, we have a daily walking requirement. they run we stride. wow. i see how they breed champions in this school. i see that this is the making of champions ain't it? i'll probably even want to film a documentary on this. hmmm. i shall name it "how to inculcate mindset of champions with a slope and mudpaths." or maybe we can name it " 101 ways to put a student in perile" or maybe even "jeopardize your life with 21 champions way" and maybe we should integrate the school motto into for a sophisticated feel to it. "ad astra, to the stars, beat around the bush and lash back at the students." alternatively, we can input " to the stars, ad astra. to the principal, get a better set of wig." okay okay, as i was broaching on the subject on cultural clash, today i had both my languages examined. general knowledge was first then next comes chinese. how perfectly lovely is this arrangement. they do seem to have given some thoughts of arranging the papers. they seem to understand and intepret these languages as similiar and identical twins. i suppose they one day come up with a consensus of congregating both english and chinese and decide to implement it without much thoughts or consideration. yes. you guessed it. i had 2 papers today. english and chinese. i barely touched it.i was too confused and found much things too bizarre to answer.

I'll bite you at 9/29/2006 11:41:00 PM

Friday, September 22, 2006

today shall be the day my poetic self reveal itself once again. no beyitching. no gossips. just pure poetic poems. no more strain on your eyes people. relax and let your thoughts flow like glue. sit back. but not too back lest your chair splinter under the tremendous pressure of your weight. but please please please. lean on an approximate angle of 15 degrees. allow 30 cm from your eyes to the computer screen. get some snacks and allow the music of my poem to wash upon you.......

The bustle dies,
the chatter ceased .
Here the darkness enfolds all thy eyes.

Fear and apathy
all thou felt.
Questions and comments do us pelt.

All but one,
dare remain calm.
Lest from darkness do us run.

Who would that one be amongst?
The filthy rich or flawless poor?
Still you'll find them i assure.

alright. t'was the end of a perfect poem. not really perfect though. its one of my first attempts with poem. not really successful but still i think its nice. it speaks of the situation i was in during gp lesson staring out of the picture perfect scenery outside the window. the pace of life was all time low. cars trucks buses crawling by, pedestrians were strolling their time away, some even idling in front of the traffic light. how perfectly peaceful and serene. never once were they fighting the time. with every tick of the clock, i sat there with all eyes glued to the window pane, wishing that somehow somewhat, gravity could alter its course. allow time to pass by faster at this point of time and allow time to wriggle its way past a strong current in the waters when we're having fun. if this were to happen, life wouldn't have been as miserable as it was now.maybe not miserable, but boring and boorish.everyone is so occupied with their own life. they're too wrapped within their comfortable cocoon to try and savour and probably extend every bit of time available in times of fun under the sun, everyone rather watch time pass by then to try and make the best use of it. ohwells. if this happens, we definitely won't qualify for human.tell me, which human not procrastinate?alright alright. shall spare you of the mental torture that you might be going through now. my eyes are debating as to when should i shut them for the day. well. they haven't decided yet. so meantime, i shall step up on my approach to life. this new approach in life is to mug mug and more mugging.i hope this course in life will remain forever do you don't you?haha. thank you thank you. i know you are amazed by my telepathic skills. oh well. shall stop here before i write another thousand plus words..

moral of the day(which has nothing to do with anything i've said so far.) : be prepared to give up what you have. even if that particular 'thing' has caused much happiness or taken up much of your time and brain cells, be prepared to give 'it' up. For you might never know if 'something 'better will come your way and replace this emptiness. without giving up the previous 'thing', are you able to accept the contemporary 'thing'?think.

I'll bite you at 9/22/2006 10:56:00 PM

Friday, September 15, 2006


alright alright, i've been a slothful bloke slacking everywhere. i suppose its the stress from the freaking exam bug and the lack of sleep getting to my bones. i'm getting old old old. i've been procrastinating more then ever[the most evident in this post. i'm supposed to be studying by the way.]. its been ages since i ever bitched about someone eh? i guess not much response have been given to this blogspot. i see infinite possibilities that this blog is as dysfunctional as a dysfunctioning crap. well i guess there's not much to bitch about these days with tensions running high as promos are wedging its lethal thorns of trepidation amidst little innovians. all i see in the midst of light brown[innova school uniform] are geeks, nerds, twits, nutcases, loony crackpots and probably a few sane ones..[that includes me of course.] exams really strike a cord in everyone's little beating muscle that's no bigger then their fist eh? yeah. probably so, it did so with me so it should do so for the rest too. well. this is the life of a student isn't it? how pathetic. as rupa beng choo used to say[one of the many impressively impressive literature teacher in crescent] " i feel for myself" it implies that i take pity for my ownself and that i feel like a puny mudskipper stuck in the scorching sun[ although there's none now.]. i just hope i can smoke my way through this promotional exam. that'll be perfect. i just want to procrastinate a little more. just a little more time to indulge in self amusment of mocking the rest of the woeful cohort who's mugging their souls out. i see no point in beyitching as evening is nigh.darkness reaches out its formidable claws unto the surface of this little country called singapore.i can sense the poetic nature of my soul emerging. let's set it free.

i don't see the point of education these days. i won't hide the fact that' i've been cursing adam and eve for quite some time already. i was thinking on this lines... if adam and eve hadn't eaten the fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden. if she had listened to the words of God, she probably wouldn't have gained wisdom and we the descendants would probably remain as innocent and pure as ever. we wouldn't realise that standing naked in front of each other was a temptation or embarrassment. we wouldn't be doing hurful things to one another[ like what i'm doing now...BEYITCHING] there wouldn't be was or nuclear attacks. no terrorism no rape and murder cases. no run-and-hit cases no evil in this world!!well. this is purely my own thoughts..

here are some examples of what the people of the past think of education.
" it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"--aristotle. one of my most admired people of the past.
"training is everything. the peach was once a bitter almond ; cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education" --mark twain. another favourite.
so what exactly is education?chew on it people.

when we think education, we think of the time we waste on education. let's see. by the time we finish junior college, we'll be 18[that is if we don't retain or whatsoever meet up with any hitches] and when we're 18, guys without a doubt will go to some ghost island for what seems to be a reformative training. and the girls? continue the drilling of the heads in university. for those in polytechnics? well after at least 3 years in poly, you get a diploma..whoopdeedoo for you people. you can jolly well go work or something. idle your time away? none of my business. well if you ever question me. education? its possible to store a million facts in the brain and yet remain uneducated. yes. this is what i think and i stick to it..

and think!! when we waste time, we have less time to live for ourselves! we'll be living our a quarter of our life buried in piles of books, sticking our noses into the pages of textbooks in the middle of 3 am and gulping coffee at the last ticking seocnds of 5am? what is this? are we even living? or are we the living dead?here, read these cynical quotes.
" the supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive."-- robert heinlein.ain't this totally genuine?
" life is just one damned thing after another."-- elbert hubbard

to think that they say time is precious. what is time without life? even if you have all the time in the world to study, it'll be not your own time. as students we're all enslaved to education. we're enslaved to the books. we're cuffed to this knob in this segment of life. i can't see myself enduring so much. poly people, i've got something to announce. you people are one of the smartest people i ever met. you've made the right choices of not coming into any nacky teddy jc. you are the wise and intelligent people. studies rob us of our time. it deprives us of the real true blue meaning of life.i've no quotes for this subject of time. i've come across a few good quotes but it all doesn't seem appropriate.[like "time is an illusion. Lunch time doubly so." doesn't have much connection does it? but its agreeable.]

in spite of all these thoughts floating in my unconscious mind, i still can't argue with the fact that there are some shootipickable people who are worth my condemmation due to their so called eagerness for knowledge. PUI ARH. yeah right. you big bird brained people. you just want to show off that your brains have more neurones connection don't you? you just want to showcase your brilliance in answering stiff and dead questions on a plain white sheet of paper covered with lines and words don't you? do you deserve to be a human??or rather a living dead??so in order to compete for our space in this world. we study.ohwells.what else can we do? conduct a massacre of the smarts? i highly doubt so.its not worth our effort. so yeah. we choose to study and pit our miserable brain strength against their's. not really an encouraging thought ain't it? i think so too. but hey, i'm trying to be optimistic here! we don't get good grades due to such egoistic fishmongers in our midst. how i wish to eradicate them once and for all. peace to the earth then! we can send them off to mars or jupiter or something. so we won't need to entertain they're mercenary conception of life.

there are 3 messages of the day today. enjoy!
3 message of the day! : life is not one damned thing after another. its a damned thing over and over again.

2 message of the day!! : there is a difference between a geek/nerd and me. i do not bury myself in books when i die.

1 message of the day!!! : take no thought of the morrow.

I'll bite you at 9/15/2006 09:21:00 PM

Saturday, September 09, 2006

hear ye hear ye! as promised, i'm back here for another thrilling episode of beyitching time with ME. and today, what I am going to broach of is a tribute to the fish head i mentioned in the last few moment of blogging last night.or rather last evening when the huge ball of fire haven't retreated into the 12 hour slumber yet.[the sun, you bozos.] and yes, this point will i never allow to fall prey to my life long commitment to dementia. however before i start on this captivating chapter of beyitching,[peiyin, this word is fascinating isn't it.very catching too.i don't care.its catching.haha] i simply have to introduce the main characters in this short story. you need some sort of introduction before we can get started. ain't i right? yes i know that, you don't have to nod your head in front of the computer screen. we all know that I'm right. i've officially changed fishhead's nick name to armpit as suggested by peiyin. i still don't get the relevance of fish head and her eye candy. its so totally unglam and she still wants it affliated to ahem.. so now, I suppose your mind is void of doubts.[if you still do have any, consult ME at the cbox.thank you.] so let's stop wasting time on this nonsensical and naggy introduction and commence what this blog is for. LET BEYITCH PEOPLE.............................................................

okay. let me collate my thoughts for a smooth, not giving birth...yes. ahhhhh..i see the mist clearing already..allow me to bring you back to the day i first entered innova.

i was youthful and innocent. so pure and untainted. woah woah woah..okay. I feel the goosebumps too. ohwells.that's the truth man.accept reality!..anyway, as i was saying. it was not only when i first stepped into innova that i knew armpits and them.[we were from different classes with completely different me : basketball. them : bimbotic] together with the rest of the crescent clique. but essentially, who we're going to focus on today is armpits. yes, i only knew her then. me armpits and the crescent girls were always sticking to each other perhaps it was the little sinew of interest of looking at hot guys and they not being as bimbotic as the rest of the crowds were. i don't really remember the exact reason now. but we were as close as the closed door you see behind the police headquarters. we were always together during lunch. however armpits and the other girl being crescentians for 4 years or so, having braved all winds together they were much closer.. they were never apart except when they're in the toilets. but yes we ate lunch together, we hang out together as gossip gals, we spied on hot guys and girls together, we even joined canoeing together and i always enjoyed playing bball with them although she was darn effiminate. i still enjoyed.

one day, my friend[joey] invited me to heart of god church..[hogc] being a catholic, i was comprehensive but unable to reject his repititive attacks of good intentions, i dragged armpits along. we went for two times[ not in a row of course] together. while i was still apprehensive she was already indulging in the male attention she was getting. being the normal masculine self, i was uncomfortable. by then, we knew quite a number of people there. so intent was she on going each week and inviting her best friend along[peiyin lah..duh.] i couldn't object. i complied. and this compliance brought much sufferings and misery for the three of us. one month into this intimacy with God we found ourselve being drained of personal time. armpits didn't seem to mind. she was more then thrilled to be able to go to church. with each successful or would i sadly say obsessive trip, so enslaved to the church was she that she laid eyes on this big doofus. okay, i don't bear any grudges against him, but i don't see the reason of him being the apple of armpits's eye. i mean, there's so many other hot guys in innova like[ forgive me for writing this everyone but these ain't my choices] wilson, yinhao, juibian, jason, kenneth chai, pointsheep, yisheng or worst come to worst.....tommie chen[whom i think is really hot]] why must she chose with such....such an annoyingly appalling taste. that's just alright with me if she wants that punk.

together with the rest of the crescent people, I suspect that armpits is treating church as a breeding place for her prospective husband. ferreting around, poking her nose into every guy's business in the church was what she really wished for. every week, going to church meant anxiety, anxiety that she won't look good enough to entice the guys. anxiety that her prospective HUSBANDS would fall for another babe. short skirts[no mini skirts in case her trotter are spotted], revealing tops, tied up hair with thousands of clips to mount all the falling hair. pouting of lips and constant deliberate blinking of eye for emphasis of her eyelashes were proudly executed. doesn't she sound like a complete package for the next beyitch awardee? yes. this was how we contemplated her actions. her messages we ridiculously ridiculous. as in she was never sending such message like "hey c1 is having a lunch in pizza hut tomorrow!its going to be great!are you coming?" or sometimes, this message zeeouw-ed [yes MY phrase] me:"hey!can i say that you are not going to church today because of pw?" like hello?. you are even deciding whether i go church or not? this is really preposterous. totally harebrained. i can stand this no longer.. there was another incident of her coming all the way to out houses, claiming that she was going to TAKE us to church. right. take us to church? coming right to our doorsteps[ i bet she peeked into the church records for the address.where is our privacy?!?!? ] its way too much for us to take.

okay okay peiyin.i shall stop blogging and do a word count in this again. peiyin is right beside me now. conscientiously doing her chemistry while i'm engrossed with this whole saga of armpits.ohwells.shall stop here then. please leave a tag if you feel injustice for us too. we've decided that hogc isn't such a religious place after all. its more of a place for indulgence. there's too much to be written. i've to split them up into two parts.hmmm. for the second part i guess i've to observe the crowds' response then.if you want the second part to this. write in!

moral of the day:

I'll bite you at 9/09/2006 01:13:00 PM

Friday, September 08, 2006 this is my first entry ever.oh man.okay this is nerve wrecking.i admit i've never used a blogspot before.ohwells.yes yes yes.i'm a late bloomer.but better late then never.i just hope my studies can bloom a little earlier.otherwise i am but a piece of bacon waiting to be fried in the pan.alright.let's see.where do we start from..hmmm.everything seems to be untold and unheard of .i guess i just have to start from where i deem as the beginning to the beginning. let's start from my eye candies!

hah!i've 2 official eye candies!yes two.okay.its not a super-colossal scoop. but its considered an achievement for me that's it.dont look down on these two eye candies. let me tell you.they're one of the best or rather TWO of the best.and what's even better is that. i'm not like those beyitches around school.and i shan't be mean on my first post and name them out one by one. well okay.allow me to side track for a moment. not up or down but left and right side track.these beyitches are evidently too atrociously desperate. Let me state the heinous crimes committed by them. they flirt with guys of all sizes, all ages and all cynicism. this statement comes from intent observation that was disguised as a deep while of stoning or daydreaming[yes they are different]. even if the guy is short, grossly obese and proudly possessing a monstrous paunch. i suppose they don't even mind plunking their stick-like arms around their porky shoulders while inhaling the fragrant scent of masculine body odour even as they continue to utter in their monotonous rumble of how their day went without an extra plate of chicken rice and how they tried to survive a round in the track. with a frequent spray of showers of blessing i don't see why they would want to seduce such pea brained and egoistic horde. i mean even if its a nerd[i'm obsessed with a good-looking nerd at the moment] make sure that he has proper hygiene and manners not to shower you with wet blessings or at least have a change of shirts after a workout or something. its not as if singapore can't do without another pungent whiff after a breeze from kranji carrying the aroma of chicken poop pounces a sudden attack on you. and not to mention that mindless chatter and callous talk is unwanted for?well i suppose they think they look hip if they do all the above mentioned.oh well.its up to them if they want to think like that. its NONE OF MY BUSINESS and i would love to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

speaking of this. i have just made up my mind that in the far future.and i do mean far far future..that i'll initiate a local brand. they're NOMB and MYOB.yes.the proper enunciations are no-m and me-ob.nomb and myob.and yes i'm sure by now that you've realise what they stand for.don't worry if you haven't. you can just be contented with a label of loser on your forehead. and yes don't worry, it won't ruin your make up or whatsoever you've got on your forehead. so for the welfare of these losers, NOMB = none of your business MYOB = mine your own business. and these two brands shall be incorperated into one mega store selling t-shirts, polo tees, make up materials, stationeries, etc etc. you name it, i'll make it. i'm pretty convinced that my creative juices won't run dry on me just as yet.yes. rest assured it'll be 100% original by me.yes solely by me.

oh!hold on.i realised i have a serious problem when i sidetrack.if you hadn't realised.i had completely sidetracked!shootsidaisy[oh yes.this is MY word and its copyright.if you want to use it.inform me my permission if not, you shall be condemned to eternity of bites by ME you'll realise what it means to recieve bites from me later on in this post].yes.where was i?oh lovely eye candies.not one.but the chinese saying goes..good things come in pairs. oh i forgot to tell you dementia have seem to be settled in deep hasn't eye candies consists of a guy and a girl.yes yes yes.i'm a girl and i shouldn't be having a girl as eye candy. but this is just another social stigma isn't it? who says girls cannot envy girls? its similiar as boys comparing eight pacs behind toilet doors. ooh look at mine!touch it touch it..ooh!!like it or not?we take eye candies for the sake of visual comfort. so we'll just have someone we can take as our model. so yeah. i'm not crook. i'm not ashamed to say i WAS crook.but that was WAS now is IS; see the dissemblance within?yes. so to balance this irregularity out. i've got a GUY eye candy recently.really a few days ago?and this is another great piece of news hiphip CRESCENT![another new way of cheering by ME]this explains the KCKRCMH thing i have on the left side in small green font.if you would care to notice anyway. and i saw my eye candy today!!the guy one..he was in the last blue room of the second floor library.oh my goodnessly suave was he.haha!i don't care if he's a nerd!he's got a hot body and a sexy deep voice to go along with it.tell me.who won't fall for him!he's super cute.but one flaw.he's white.i've something against white guys.they look like braised chickens.ohwell.he's white BUT still cute.i've fallen in madly for in no cuts no bruises just a slight fall.well the girl eye candy was MIA.she's forever MIA.but i receieved her message a few days ago thanking us for the cushion we made for her birthday[me and peiyin made it, but most credit goes to peiyin].she's still my number one eye candy.she's a bball coach and she's forever this cool as a bumblebee.[MY phrase!]so these are my eye candies.if i ever have a chance, i'll put up their photos,but first, i've got to get close to them.or rather steal their photos online. this is the delicate line of disparity between me and the beyitches.

another gargantuan gorilla is currently in my midst and she's realy pissing me off.well. to prevent intrusion of privacy, let's just call her gorilla.and what a load of pissing has she bestowed upon me. all her crappiness and her loud so called whisperings[but to me a ruckus] is getting on my nerves.well well well.where do i start?where should i begin to exhibit her superbly executed annoying skill?i shan't waste time on her yellings and flirting in class attracting much[i'm bereaved to say that it was attracted] spotlight unto herself.[it seems to summarise everything doesn't it?] well she has incurred my wrath and has stolen MY phrases without MY premission and have passed them off as her own. phrases like (eh, tell you a secret.i need to shit.) or (Bite you arh!) yes, that's my phrase you see at the end of this post.its MY phrase. this hell of a gorilla copied not only my words, but my actions and my phrases!!![words as in suckerfied and phrases as in doo you arh!].she can jolly well be a copywriter in the bookshop lah.go copy how the bacon sizzle in the pan and how the ant screams when people trod on it.that will be the ultimate copier detail will ever be lost and it will be exactly the same.there was this incident. i initially suspected that she was copying me without paying the copyright taxes. so i decided to give her a chance.

i asked her politely :" B**Y** why are you copying my words!dont' leh.they're copyright."okay everyone, please put on your seat belts. here's the climax. here's where everything goes weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

B**Y**:"got copy meh?where got copy?i've been using them since secondary school?its my phrase!!"i saw blood red!

ME:"got meh?*strained smilehow come i never heard of it before when i first came to this class"[i was transferred into this class by the way]adrenaline rushing everywhere. enraged!

B**Y**:"yeah!you cock-ear what.."

woah..this was it.cock ear was MY phrase.i said it most of the time.this is the limit.where everything comes to an end.i summoned my courage and mind you . i have NEVER scolded my friends before.and i never repeat what i said before.but for the benefit of everyone who's reading this. I NEVER SCOLD MY FRIENDS.this was the last conversation with her.

ME:"piss off man." and i walked away. this was the last time i ever talked face to face with her. and now, i never talk when she's around.i turn my back on this gorilla and i condemn her when she's talking.she don't deserve to be copying my copyrighted stuff.she's a piggomaniac!!![MY phrase].she's such an arse.ohwells.whatever.shan't talk about her no more.completely ruins my the moral of the story kids?never 10000000000000000000000% original.

oh well.i've enough of ranting for a day.i think you are tired too having to follow my train of thought.oh well. tune in next time for more complains.i've got much more. and i assure you. its 100%true coverage by i'm not egoistic by caps locking the ME i'm just emphasizing on what I did.yes.what IIIIII day i've got to have my own dictionary.its called the noeval dictioanary.[by me and noelle teh xiaowen crescentians!]you've got to support it!i'll be selling it in my shop of MYOB and NOMB. remember to come and see it!

this blog was done up by Lai PeiYin.haha!muackz muackz!!haha! ahlianified.haha!ahliansahlians piupiupiu!don't worry peiyin.i won't forget to mention some fishhead with a ponytail who regards church as a place to flirt and sleep during sermons tomorrow.its too much for the readers to take.we must out the readers' interest in the first place shoudn't we?so yeah.for more luscious gossips, tune in the next time. till next time, keep in mind.............BE ORIGINAL BE me!

I'll bite you at 9/08/2006 06:45:00 PM

muackx and kisses

I'll bite you at 9/08/2006 03:47:00 PM